3 tips to succeed with change
It can be difficult to get everyone on board when it’s time for change. We have 3 tips that can help.
It can be difficult to get everyone on board when it’s time for change. We have 3 tips that can help.
We have 3 good tips for you who need to solve a problem but have no one to discuss solutions with.
Not all stress is bad, we tell you how you can turn stress into energy and focus.
Psychological safety creates safer teams that share information and are more likely to try new things to succeed. As a leader, you have an important role in showing the way.
Creating psychological safety as a leader, we have 3 tips Read More »
Employees who have an engaged leader engage themselves. We explain how it works and what you as a leader can do to train your engagement.
Engaging leadership creates engaged employees and teams Read More »
Planning may sound boring, but it can help when you have a lot to do both at work and at home. Make the calendar your best friend.
Listening to understand and not responding can be difficult. We have 3 tips to help you become a better listener!
Meaningful feedback keeps employees engaged and it takes as little as 15 minutes a week. We tell you how.
Negotiation can be difficult but doing it while walking can create a win-win. We tell you how!
Creativity in the workplace is important to the company’s bottom line. We tell you why and how easy it is to increase creativity by 60%.
Creativity is important for the company’s bottom line Read More »